
An Activity is something you do and is described using verbs.

An Activity is something you do. Activities are the steps of the process that require an action. They can range from 'update sales order with customer number' to 'refer code back to developer', but they are always described using verbs. 

An Activity transforms Inputs into Outputs.  

A Task is a type of Activity that is too quick to perform or too obvious to consider documenting, for example, logging on or signing a cheque.

Activities can fall into one or more of the following categories:  


An Internal Activity - often simply called an Activity - is something which is done within your organisation, for example 'Pass to Director for Approval'. An Internal Activity is done inside the overall scope of your process map using inputs and outputs from within your organisation.

External Acticity

An External Activity is something which is done outside of your organisation, for example the printing of a company newsletter by an external printing company. An External Activity is done outside the overall scope of your process map but still needs to be shown in a process. 

Child Activities or Sub-activities are created when an activity is broken down into smaller steps, that give a more detailed view on how it is carried out.

A Parent Activity is the name of the larger activity which has been broken down to create a Child Activity or Sub-activity.

An Activity Hierarchy is formed when an activity is broken down into sub-activities which are further broken down into more sub-activities. 

A Customer Activity is an activity performed by your customer. A Customer Activity takes your output as its input. For example, the production of a company newsletter by an external printing company. 

A Supplier Activity is something your supplier does to provide you with the materials - or inputs -  you need to complete your activities. For example, printing a company newsletter for you to circulate.