Change Process Map Language

Change the Language of your Process Map in Library View

When you connect Process Library to Phrasebook you can begin to translate your Process Maps and users can then change your Process Map language in the Library. 

Process Library must be connected to Business Phrasebook to enable Process Map translation. 

  • Find the Process Map you would like to change the language of by typing your process name into the search bar or clicking on the folder and subfolders for the relevant area of your organisation.
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  • Select the Process Map you would like to share from the list. This will take you to the Process Map.
    Screenshot 2024-02-16 at 15.12.46
  • To change the Process Map language click on the language dropdown in the top right corner and select the language you want to change the process map language to from the dropdown list. 
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Only languages that have been set up on Business Phrasebook will be available to select from the dropdown. 

  • The Process Map will refresh and and will display in the selected language.

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If the phrases have not been translated in Phrasebook the map will not be translated.