Remove a Crowd Member

Process Owners can Remove Users from the 'Roles & Users' page

It is important that everyone in your Crowd is engaged and finds your inputs relevant, this means that as your Crowd evolves you may want to remove users from your Crowd. 
There are several roles in ATC, but everyone in the Crowd holds the role 'All Crowd Members'. Deleting users from this role will result in them being removed from the crowd, deleting a user from any other role will only change that users permissions and not remove them from the Crowd. 

Only Process Owners can remove a user from a Crowd.

  • Click on the Dashboard menu option found at the top right-hand side of the screen.
  • Click on the Roles & Users menu option found on the left-hand side of the page.
  • You can also get to the Roles & Users page by clicking onto the person icon in the top-right of your screen and selecting Roles & Users from the dropdown menu.
  • Click the Edit button next to the 'All Crowd Users' role in the built in roles section, this will redirect you to a new page.  
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  • Scroll down to the 'Users in Role' section  to find the user you wish to remove from your Crowd and click the Delete button next to their name, this will take you to a new page. 
  • Untitled design (62)You will be asked if you would like to delete the user and their contributions, or just delete the user and keep their contributions. If you wish to delete the users contributions then ensure the checkbox is ticked. 

If you choose to keep a users contributions then all the inputs and comments the user made will be attributed to 'Community'. 

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          • Click Confirm Delete to permanently delete the user. 
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