Edit a Release

Process Owners can Edit a Release from the Topics page


As standard, releases can only be edited by Process Owners.

  • Click on the Dashboard menu option found at the top right-hand side of the screen.
  • Click on the Topics menu option found on the left-hand side of the page.

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  • You can also get to the Topics page by clicking onto the person icon in the top-right of your screen and selecting Topics from the dropdown menu.
  • Click the Edit button next to the Topic with the release you want to edit in, this will take you to a new page.

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  • Find the release you want to edit in the 'Topic Releases' section and click Edit, this will take you to the 'Edit Release' page.
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  • You can edit the release name in the 'Release Label' text box and the release date using the dropdown boxes. Click Update to save your changes.