Update Default Home Link

Admins can update the default Home Link from the Home Link page of Process Library

Process Library has two homepage display options, the Menu view and the My Processes view, Admins can update the default viewing option from the Home Link page of Process Library.

As standard, only Admins can update the Default Home Link.

Process Library's default homepage is the Menu view and users can navigate to the My Processes view from the Home dropdown. However, if in a Process Library users would rather use the My Processes view Admins can update the default home link. 

Menu view:Screenshot 2024-05-20 at 14.16.51
My Processes view:
Screenshot 2024-05-20 at 14.17.17

To update the default home link:

  • Click on the Home Link menu item in the Library Settings section of the menu on the left hand side of the screen.
  • Select the page you would like to change your default home link to from the Selected Home Default Option dropdown. 
    Screenshot 2024-05-20 at 15.08.29
  • Click Save Changes to update the default homepage link for all users in your Process Library. 
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