Add or Change a Parent Input

An Input's Owner can add or change a Parent Input from the input detail screen.

Owners can make an existing input a child input or assign a new parent input from the input detail screen

To ensure that your inputs in ATC best reflect reality you can make an existing input into a child input or change a child inputs parent by updating an inputs parent in the Manage This Input section.

You must be an input's owner to add or change a parent input. 

  • Start by finding the input you would like to add or change the parent input of. Click on the Inputs menu option found at the top right-hand side of the screen.
  • By default the input's List View will display.
  • Select the input you want to edit, you can do this by searching using the Search Filters on the left-hand side of the screen.
  • Click on this input's title - this will take you to the input detail screen
  • From here you can:

Add a Parent to an Input 

  • Click on the Update Parent text box in the Manage This Input section, you may need to scroll down. 
  • In the text box type the Input ID or Title of the input you wish to make your inputs parent, a dropdown list of inputs will appear.

    Screenshot 2022-01-05 at 15.09.25
  • Click on the input you want to assign as your inputs parent, the page will refresh and your input will now be a child input with a parent input. 

Edit an Inputs Parent

  • Click on the Update Parent text box in the Manage This Input section, you may need to scroll down. 
  • In the text box type the Input ID or Title of the input you wish to change your inputs parent to, a dropdown list of inputs will appear.

    Screenshot 2022-01-05 at 15.09.25
  • Click on the input you want to assign as your inputs new parent, the page will refresh and your child input will have a new parent input.