Edit Live Map

Authors can Edit a live map directly from the Library View.

If Author's spot an error in a Process Map they can quickly update it directly from the Library - without creating a draft process map.

If the process map requires a more complex update we recommend creating a draft process map, instead of editing the live process map. 

As standard, only Admins and Authors can Edit a Live Map.

  • The Edit and Go Live option is available to Admins and Authors on maps which do not have any pending drafts. If this is available an edit symbol will be displayed next to the title. 

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  • To edit the process map click on the edit symbol - this will take you to the Edit Process Map screen. 
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  • From here you can edit your Process Map. Once you have made the required changes click View Live to return to Library View. 
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Any changes you make will be instantly published to all users in the Process Library.