Manage Off-page Connectors

Authors can manage off-page connectors from the Edit Map Screen.

Off-page connectors link two Deliverables of the same name across maps and can be linked to several maps at once. The number of maps the off-page connectors are linked to is shown by the number displayed in the centre of the shape.

Off-page connectors allow Authors to map processes end-to-end while enabling users to only see the relevant section of the process, for example when a new customer or order is passed from sales to the duty manager.

As standard, only Admins and Authors can manage off-page connectors.

Add Off-page Connectors

  • Off-page connectors are automatically added by Process Library when a branch of one map ends with a deliverable - meaning the deliverable does not have a connector coming out of it - and another map starts with a deliverable with the same name.
  • Off-page connectors are not added when a map starts or ends with a Start/End Deliverable. 

Names are space sensitive so double check your spacing and punctuation. 

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  • The number of maps the off-page connectors are linked to is shown by the number displayed in the centre of the shape.
  • Once an off-page connector has been automatically added you can view the Process Maps by clicking on the off-page connector, a list of linked Process Maps will appear.
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  • Once a draft map has been published any off-page connectors will be added to all the relevant approved Process Maps. 
  • You can navigate between Process Maps by clicking on the off-page connector, a list of linked Process Maps will appear, click on the name of Process Map you want to go to.

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Remove Off-page Connectors

  • Off-page connectors can be removed by adding a shape - Decision or Activity - either before or after the deliverable the off-page connector is linked to, depending on where the deliverable is in the Process Map. 
  • Alternatively off-page connectors can be removed by changing the deliverable to a Start/End deliverable. You can do this by right-clicking on the shape and selecting Start/End Deliverable from the dropdown. 

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