Searching, Filtering and Sorting Inputs

There are many ways to find the input you need using 'Search Filters' & 'Sorting'.

Searching and Filtering Inputs

  • Click on the Inputs menu option found at the top right-hand side of the screen.

  • By default the input's List View will display.

  • The Search Filters can be found on the left-hand side of the screen. In the List View, if the Search Filters are collapsed, click on the arrows to display them.

  • The Search Filters work in exactly the same way for both the List and Board views, except that in the Board View, if the Search Filters are collapsed, click on the search icon to display them.

Until an input has been moderated, only its author and the moderators are able to view it. Once an input is allocated to an owner, they are able to view it and set its input security to allow the appropriate viewing permissions.

If you can't find an input that you are looking for, it may be that it either hasn't been moderated or you don't have the required viewing permission. 

Untitled design (8)-1

Search For 

  • The search field returns any inputs containing the search text entered in either the input's title or within the input's description.

Input ID

  • To search by the  Input ID, enter the input's ID number in the search box and click on the enter arrows.
  • The Input Details screen for that input will immediately open, even if the relevant input is in a different crowd.
  • If the user is not a member of the relevant crowd, ATC will return a message stating that. 

Created By 

  • Search by the author of the input.
  • Starting to type in a name will trigger a drop-down list of users.
  • Clicking on a name from this drop-down will search for inputs submitted by that user. To clear the filter, click the red person on the right-hand side of the search field.

Assigned To

  • Search inputs by who they are assigned to.
  • Starting to type in a name will trigger a drop-down list of users.
  • Clicking on a name from this drop-down will search for inputs submitted by that user. To clear the filter, click the red person on the right-hand side of the search field.

Locked Inputs 

By clicking this tick-box only inputs which are locked, and cannot be voted on, are displayed. 

Owned By

Filters Inputs to: All Owners, No Owners or selected Process Owners.


Filters Inputs to the selected Topic.


Filters to Input items contained in the selected release.


Filters to Input items that are in the selected iterations.


Filters to Input items that are in the selected lifecycle.

Lifecycle Stage

Filters to Input items that are in the selected lifecycle stage within the lifecycle.

Sorting Inputs

Sort inputs using the dropdown list in the top right-hand corner of the list.  

By default, sorting is by the Most Popular.